  • © 2025 McCarthy-Bush Corporation
  • Office Hours: Mon–Fri 8am–5pm

Mining For Gold Submission

Submission Form

We want to encourage McCarthy-Bush Corporation employees to speak up and be heard in the workplace. The Mining for Gold program is your opportunity to help solve a problem, produce higher quality products/services, provide cost or time savings – and GET REWARDED FOR IT! Complete the form below to submit your idea to the evaluation committee.

Mining For Gold
We may follow up with follow up questions on your submission. Please provide your contact information.
Describe in as much detail as possible your suggestion. Please include the current circumstances/problem and the change/solution you’re suggesting should be made for improvement. For example: What task/activity will the suggestion improve? How and where is the task currently being implemented? Who is performing the task? What change do you recommend for improvement?
What benefit does your suggestion provide to the company? Benefits may include cost savings, time savings, increased efficiency, or effectiveness. For example: Will the process be improved or the task be easier to accomplish? If so, how? Will the product or service be improved? If so, how? Please be detailed.

Have an inquiry?
Contact us.